Author: admin

From the mail bag – “Oh they’re back and they’re bad”: Spotted lanternfly nymphs, Lycorma delicatula


Spotted lanternfly nymphs are back, and they’re bad!


Last week I received a whimsical video from two avid young bug hunters who spotted spotted lanternfly nymphs in a park in Washington County, Maryland. Dressed in domino-colored exoskeletons of black and white, nymphs of spotted lanternflies are unmistakable. As these budding naturalists noted, they’re back and they’re bad. This season of lanternfly evil began about three weeks ago when lanternfly nymphs hatched from overwintering eggs deposited by their mothers last autumn.

Tiny, wraithlike spotted lanternfly nymphs pop the lid on their egg case and hatch head-first from eggs deposited last autumn.

Recently, I was asked when lanternflies would go away. Like other invasive species we’ve met, such as gypsy moths, brown marmorated stink bugs, emerald ash borers, and euonymus leaf-notchers just to name a few, the answer is this: they are not going away. At this time in Maryland, spotted lanternflies are established members of our ecosystems in all but four of our southernmost counties according to the Maryland Department of Agriculture. They have also established breeding populations in more than a dozen states and spread some 600 miles distant from their point of introduction in Berks County, Pennsylvania. The good news is that, in many locations, spotted lanternfly populations have declined dramatically. In parts of Pennsylvania, naturally occurring fungi put a beatdown on lanternfly populations. A recent study by scientists revealed that a vast number of established predators are helping to quell the lanternfly invasion. Arthropods led the reported carnage with more than 200 attacks by spiders, 196 attacks by mantids, 177 attacks by wasps, 55 attacks by sucking predators like assassin bugs, and another 21 attacks by other arthropods. Twenty some families of birds accounted for more than 500 attacks, with ground dwellers like chickens and pheasants leading the way. Death delivered by members of the cardinal, mocking bird, wren, and several other bird clans contributed to the total. Mammals, amphibians, fish and non-feathered reptiles also got into the act accounting for 106 additional observations.

Two budding naturalists have it right. Spotted lanternflies are back and they’re bad. Don’t be surprised to see dozens of spotted lanternfly nymphs feeding on small branches of trees and shrubs and stems of herbaceous plants. White spotted nymphs are scrambling up tree trunks. Leaves of maples and scores of other plants can be festooned with legions of lanternfly nymphs. Will predators and disease quell their mischief? Only time will tell.

Ravaging hordes of spotted lanternfly nymphs may be controlled by natural enemies, by simple mechanical means such as knocking them into soapy water, or by the use of OMRI approved pesticides.

Circling back to the lanternfly nymphs at the top of this episode, what should you do if you find these rascals on your plants?  Well, you could just let them serve as a feast for the many predators and pathogens that will make a meal of them. Of course, if you are a viticulturalist, eliminating as many as possible is the order of the day and there are many highly efficacious insecticides to help do the job. But for homeowners, if you don’t want to wait for Mother Nature to intercede, you can knock them off your plants into a container of soapy water. They are not good swimmers. Or you can use one of several products such as insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils, or natural pyrethrins (not synthetic pyrethroids) listed for use on organic vegetables by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). Look for the OMRI symbol on the label of the insecticide. Excellent studies conducted by scientists at Penn State found these active ingredients provided excellent or good control of spotted lanternfly nymphs. Always read the label and follow instructions to the letter if you decide to go the insecticide route. Good luck dealing with these noisome pests from afar.

To learn more about the biology and management of spotted lanternfly, please click on this link:


Penn State’s most excellent spotted lanternfly website was used to prepare this episode. Bug of the Week thanks Eloise and Abbigail for providing video footage and inspiration for this episode.

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Vanishing viburnums: vandalism by the Viburnum leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta viburni


Larvae of viburnum leaf beetles can lay waste to beautiful viburnums.


Yikes! Shredded leaves are the hallmark of feeding by viburnum leaf beetle larvae.

Last week I encountered a planting of viburnums vandalized by yet another invasive species of insect. One of my favorite flowering shrubs, viburnum, had been stripped of 99.9 % of their leaves. My first thought was that some devastating weather event like drought or flood or some hideous disease had laid waste to these usually lovely shrubs. On closer inspection of the few leaves that remained, the culprit of this devastation was found – larvae of the viburnum leaf beetle. The saga of this invader from Europe begins in 1947 when it was first discovered in Canada. It took almost five decades to move south across the US border, when it was detected in New York in 1996. It has now spread to more than 20 states ranging from Maine to Florida and as far west as Washington state.

As adult beetles and their offspring feed on viburnum leaves, they create a type of injury called skeletonization, dining on tender leaf tissue between tough leave veins. So complete is their feasting that only a lacy memory of a leaf remains when they are done. These ghostly leaves soon wither, die, and drop, leaving naked stems behind. This season of misery began when eggs deposited last summer and autumn by female beetles hatched from tiny egg-niches lining small branches. In Maryland, eggs hatch near the time when Japanese camellia is in full bloom in early spring. Each female beetle can lay as many as 500 eggs. Little wonder why viburnum leaves vanish with so many hungry mouths at work.  After completing three stages of larval development, larvae move to the soil and pupate. By June, adults emerge from the soil, clamber up stems, and begin to skeletonize nutritious viburnum leaves. In summer and autumn females chew small pits along branches and deposit five to eight eggs in each pit. This tiny nursery is then sealed with a cap of mother’s poop, chewed bark, and mucous. I have to wonder if young beetles undergo intense sessions of therapy to understand why their mother pooped on them. Well, this poopy mucous cap is thought to protect developing eggs from predators and help prevent moisture loss.

Oh no, what happened to these viburnums? They look beat. Environmental stress? Hideous disease? Let’s take a closer look at the few green leaves left standing. This is the larva of the nefarious viburnum leaf beetle, invader from Europe that vandalizes viburnums. Thousands of hungry larval mouths completely stripped these shrubs.  Later this year adults emerge, mate, feast, and lay eggs, levying more misery on viburnums.

In June adult viburnum leaf beetles will emerge from the soil and move to leaves to mate, feed, and lay eggs.

What can be done to thwart these rascals? Clever research conducted by Cornell University revealed significant variation in susceptibility of different species of viburnums to attack by viburnum leaf beetle. Sadly, some of my favorite viburnums are on the “most susceptible” list, including our abundant native arrowwood viburnum, Viburnum dentatum. Two other species on the “most susceptible” list are   Viburnum trilobum (previously known as Viburnum opulus var. trilobum), European cranberry bush viburnum, and Viburnum sargentii, Sargent viburnum. The University of Maryland lists these viburnums as resistant to viburnum leaf beetle: ‘Dawn’ viburnum, V. x bodnantense, Koreanspice viburnum, V. carlesii, David viburnum, V. davidii, Judd viburnum, V. x juddii, doublefile viburnum, V. plicatum, doublefile viburnum, V. plicatum f. tomentosum, leatherleaf viburnum, V. rhytidophyllum, tea viburnum, V. setigerum, and Siebold viburnum, V. sieboldii

Viburnum branches bear the scars of egg nests made by viburnum leaf beetles.

If redesigning your landscape by planting resistant viburnums is not feasible, here are a couple additional things to consider. Sometime between the last killing frost of a season and the following spring, prune out branches bearing egg masses of viburnum leaf beetles and destroy them. Several species of predators attack and eat viburnum leaf beetles, including lacewing larvae, lady beetle larvae, and assassin bug larvae and adults. Including a rich diversity of flowering herbaceous and woody plants in your landscape will help support these beneficial insects that depend on floral resources and alternate prey to become resident in your landscape. If all else fails and as a last resort, you can annihilate infestations of beetles for at least a short period of time by applying insecticides labeled for beetle control. Because viburnums are so heavily visited by pollinators, systemic insecticides that may show up in nectar or pollen are not the best choice. Several products listed for use on organic vegetables listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) may be a better choice. Always read the label and follow instructions to the letter if you decide to go the insecticide route. Good luck saving your lovely viburnums.


Bug of the Week thanks Dr. Paula Shrewsbury for contributing images and comments to the episode. Bug of the Week is supported by the Department of Entomology at the University of Maryland and grants from USDA – NIFA. To learn more about viburnum leaf beetle and its management, please visit the following websites that were consulted for this episode:,%2F5%20inch)%20at%20maturity.

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Inside the Hive: Identifying a Paper Wasp Nest 

Paper wasps get a bad rap to some extent. Although they do pack a painful sting, these six-legged insects can play a surprisingly beneficial role in gardens. First, they occasionally feed on nectar, which aids in pollination. Additionally, paper wasps often prey on other nuisance insects in the garden, including beetle larvae, flies, and caterpillars.  

Paper wasps typically have brownish bodies with yellow or red markings that can be muted or vibrant in color, depending on the species. They look similar to thinner-waisted yellow jackets but have less colorful bodies that grow anywhere from 5/8 to 3/4 inch in size. 

Knowing what the insects look like is important, but it also helps to know what does a paper wasp nest look like? Being able to identify nests is critical to understanding which insects you are dealing with and how to proceed.  

As the region’s go-to company for professional pest control, Catseye Pest Control understands how unnerving it can be to find wasp nests on your property. Let’s explore the unique characteristics of paper wasp nests so you can identify them if these insects move onto your property.  

Introduction to Paper Wasp Nests 

Now that you know a bit more about the paper wasp, let’s take a closer look at these insects’ unique nests. It’s vital to be aware of what to look for when identifying them. Many people inadvertently get too close and end up on the wrong end of a protective paper wasp’s stinger.  

Characteristics of Paper Wasp Nests 

The paper wasp’s nest can vary depending on the species. Single-comb nests don’t have a covering and can range from just a few cells to up to 400 cells or more. Paper wasp nests look like inverted umbrellas hanging from sheltered surfaces like structural voids and the underside of leaves. The exterior of the nest looks very similar to paper, which is how these wasps earned the “paper wasp” name. 

Paper Wasp Nest Characteristics at a Glance: 

  • Uncovered with multiple cells 
  • Shaped like an inverted umbrella 
  • Papery, gray exterior 
  • Hang in sheltered areas 
A paper wasp with bright yellow markings works on building its nest against a blurred green background

Construction of Paper Wasp Nests 

Mated females choose a nesting site and then find wood sources nearby. Females scrape wood fibers from sources like fences, cardboard, trees, and logs using powerful jaws. Once mixed with their saliva, the wood fibers start breaking down to create the soft, papery pulp they use to construct their nests. Workers will aid the queen in creating hexagon-shaped cells, adding more cells as the colony grows. As the pulp dries, it takes on its characteristic paper-like appearance. 

Identifying Paper Wasp Nests in Your Home 

As discussed, the nests themselves have unique characteristics. You might also see paper wasps flying around the area. You can identify these wasps from other species based on their elongated second sections in their abdomens and longer second and third pairs of legs. You might find new nests as spring warms up and mated females start building their nests to lay eggs. Interestingly, female paper wasps also reuse nests from year-to-year.  

Paper wasps build their nests in protected areas like door and window frames, porch ceilings, shrubbery and tree branches, and attic rafters. You may also find them in spots like chimneys, under attic rafters, roof overhangs, and under railings, joists, porches, and decks. Paper wasps have also built nests inside open-ended pipes, birdhouses, unused umbrellas and grill covers, and inside the bumpers of abandoned vehicles. 

FAQs About Paper Wasp Nests 

You have pest questions, and Catseye has answers. Take a look at some of the most frequent questions people have about paper wasp nests below. If you don’t see yours, feel free to contact Catseye for prompt assistance.  

What Should I Do If I Find a Paper Wasp Nest? 

If the nest is small, such as no bigger than about the size of a quarter, then the female probably hasn’t laid her eggs yet. Small nests like these can be removed relatively easily at night when the wasps aren’t active. However, if the nest is in an out-of-the-way location, you might consider leaving it alone. These wasps can help control other outdoor pests. 

Are Paper Wasps Aggressive? 

Paper wasps won’t go out of their way to sting you. However, if they feel threatened or believe the nest is threatened, they can retaliate by delivering some painful stings. In many cases, paper wasps will first deliver a warning that you’re too close to the nest by flying into you.  

A close-up view of a paper wasp with bright yellow markings building a small nest on the underside of a branch

Can Paper Wasps Damage Property? 

Although they are not as vigorous as carpenter ants and termites and their damage is minimal, paper wasps can scrape wood from homes, railings, porches, decks, and fences. The damage won’t be structural in nature, but it can hinder the aesthetic appeal of a property. 

How Can I Get Rid of Paper Wasps? 

You can try to eliminate small nests on your own, but you should wear thick clothing to protect yourself. Try using methods like insecticides designed for wasp control that you can spray directly on the nest. Avoid using a flashlight, which could attract other wasps and stand as far away from the nest as possible. Large nests located in areas frequented by people and pets require professional removal for optimal safety.  

When to Call a Professional to Remove a Paper Wasp Nest 

Paper wasps play a beneficial role in the garden. Professionals can help weigh the options and ensure the removal is handled safely. Never try to remove large nests on your own. Instead, contact the experts at Catseye, who can deftly handle large nests and those located in spots where people and pets could inadvertently disturb them.  

Don’t let paper wasps interfere with your outdoor fun. Schedule a free inspection with Catseye for a full property assessment and tips to keep yourself and those you care about safe all season long.  

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When ants move in: Odorous house ants, Tapinoma sessile


Odorous house ants regularly tend aphids and gather sugar-rich honeydew produced by the aphids.


A drop of syrup on a countertop can attract a large crowd of ants.

Last week with the return of summer weather here in the DMV, it wasn’t just periodical cicadas that amped up activity. When Mother Nature turns up the heat, other cold-blooded insects resume their quest for food and shelter. My personal home invasion began on a warm day last week when legions of foraging worker ants laid down a trail from my patio door, along the baseboard, and up the wall to a drop of syrup on the kitchen counter. Odorous house ants have become a perennial guest at Bug of the Week. These small brown ants invade homes throughout our region each spring. This ant earns its name by virtue of the distinctive smell it makes when crushed between your fingers or on a counter. The odor is reminiscent of slightly fermented coconuts. 

How and why does this invasion recur each year? After spending the chilly months of winter and early spring in a state of relative inactivity outdoors, with the return of warm weather, worker ants conduct an unending search for sugars, proteins, and fats to feed hundreds of hungry mouths in their burgeoning colony. In the wild, plants like my peony and other insects like the aphids on my peony provide these foods. When ants locate a rich source of food, such as the sugary honeydew produced by a colony of aphids or scale insects, they establish a trail marked by chemicals called pheromones. The trail leads other workers from the nest to the bounty. 

With the return of summer-like weather, odorous house ants can be found outdoors foraging at floral nectaries like those on a peony. Honeydew produced by phloem feeding insects like aphids is an irresistible source of food for ants. When sweets drip on countertops, scouts recruit other workers and a full-blown home invasion can ensue.  Baits laced with insecticides can foil ant invasions as one by one, workers collect the toxic treat, return to the colony, and poison their nestmates.

Outdoors, odorous house ants nest beneath stones or fallen logs. I usually have several colonies in my yard in a woodpile or under stones in a wall. However, odorous house ants are very opportunistic and will occasionally enter homes to set up shop. I have discovered colonies of these rascals in my wall voids and in electrical appliances, including a surge protector beneath my desk. Their quest for food brings them into homes and a few grains of sugar on the counter, a pet dish on the floor, or a leaky bottle of pancake syrup in the pantry, will often initiate a full-scale invasion by searching workers. If you find ants and their telltale trails on counters or along baseboards, try to locate the source of food and then follow the trail back to the point of entry into your home. To foil these raiders, first eliminate as many sources of food as possible. Clean the counters, mop up drips, and get pet food off the floor after your pets have eaten. Be sure that no syrup or sweets are spilled or leaking in your cupboards. Ant trails on the counter or floor can be disrupted by spraying them with household cleansers. 

This highly attractive poison bait will bring a swift end to home-invading odorous house ants.

You can buy ant traps or purchase tubes of liquid or gelatin ant baits. Place ant traps or baits at locations indicated on the label. I usually place one near the point of entry to my home and several others around my counters and near their raiding columns. The traps and baits contain a lure that attracts ants searching for sweets or fatty foods. The lure contains poison. Workers ingest the toxin and are killed, or in some cases they carry the toxic treat back to the colony and feed the deadly meal to the queens and their nest mates and, voilà, the royals are assassinated and the colony along with them. A few well-placed bait stations in my kitchen put an end to the ant trails in a matter of days. To be effective, the bait must attract the ants you want to control. If you purchase a bait or ant trap, and the ants eschew your invitation, well, get yourself another type of trap or bait.

Whenever you use a product containing an insecticide, be sure to follow precisely the instructions on the label. Never apply pesticides directly to surfaces used for food preparation or consumption like countertops or tables. Many species of ants can become visitors or residents in our homes. Large black ants in the home, especially ones with wings, may be carpenter ants and a sign of more serious problems than just a little sugary larceny. If you have concerns or questions regarding the identity or management of any six-legged vandals, contact the local university extension office in your county or state for advice.

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From the mailbag: Fig-eating Kudzu bugs come to college, Megacopta cribraria


A small cluster of kudzu bugs feed on a branch near the base of a developing ‘Sicilian Dark’ figs. Image credit: Sam Bahr


Highly invasive kudzu can engulf native vegetation and wreak havoc on ecosystems.

Last week we received a report from the University of Maryland’s eagle-eyed horticulturalist, Sam, that ‘Sicilian Dark’ figs were supporting a tiny herd of kudzu bugs. The presence of these rascals in College Park was not surprising, as the bug is known from more than a dozen counties in the DMV and in major cities including Baltimore and the District of Columbia. What is surprising is the bug’s use of figs as a source of food. Here is the backstory. This tale begins not with the bug itself, but with one of its favorite host plants, nefarious kudzu, often called ‘the vine that ate the south’. This invasive plant was first introduced to the United States at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876. Selected for its ornamental value, it once adorned the Japanese House in Fairmount Park, PA. Its ability to fix nitrogen, tolerate drought, serve as forage for livestock, and reduce soil erosion made it a popular choice for planting during the Dust Bowl years and its range in the US expanded dramatically. Kudzu cares nothing about blue or red states and it is now found coast to coast and border to border.

Nymphs of kudzu bugs are almost as hairy as the vines of kudzu on which they feed.

In Asia, kudzu serves as one of the favorite hosts for many species of insects, including the nefarious kudzu bug, and careful inspections of imports and lady luck barred entry of this insect to North America. This changed in 2009 when kudzu bug was discovered near Atlanta, Georgia. How it arrived in the US is anyone’s guess, but like its cousin the brown marmorated stink bug, the kudzu bug is a good hitchhiker and it may have arrived as a stowaway in a cargo shipment from its aboriginal home in Asia. In just three years, the bug moved from Georgia to nearby states of Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Some eleven years ago, Dr. Bill Lamp and the intrepid members of his laboratory discovered the bug in patches of kudzu in Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince George’s, and St. Mary’s counties in Maryland. 

As a foodie fond of invasive kudzu, some might herald the arrival of the bug as a blessing, but this bug has a darker side. In addition to kudzu, one of Maryland’s most important crops, soybean, is also on the menu. This bug favors several members of the bean family but has been found on several unrelated species in at least eight other plant families. Soybean growers in infested states have reported important losses associated with kudzu bug. This critter has sucking mouthparts that, once inserted into the leaves and stems, pump methodically to rob the soybean of its nutritious sap. The removal of these vital fluids can significantly reduce yields.

Meet kudzu, the vine that ate the south, overrunning a landscape in Maryland. Shiny kudzu bug adults and hairy kudzu bug nymphs dine with gusto on its leaves. Look closely at this small branch on a fig tree. See the bumps. This spring tiny herds of kudzu bugs made a surprise visit to the University of Maryland where they dined on plantings of ornamental figs.

Kudzu bugs are kind of cute.

Like its cousin the brown marmorated stink bug, kudzu bug is a stinky home invader. Stinky, you bet. While collecting kudzu bugs, I learned that it does not take much for these little guys to release their pungent defensive odor. Dramatic pictures from southern states show sides of homes festooned with thousands of kudzu bugs seeking overwintering refuge in the autumn. In nature, winter refuge is usually provided by plant debris in the field or beneath loose bark of trees, however, where human-made structures adjoin soybean fields, prepare for an invasion. After passing the winter in protected locations, adults emerge in spring and move to soybeans and other plants, where they mate and deposit ranks of barrel shaped eggs on the undersides of leaves. Eggs hatch and hairy greenish-yellow nymphs feed on plant sap for several weeks before molting to the adult stage. These adults lay eggs and the cycle is repeated, however, the ensuing adults are the ones that seek overwintering refuge in autumn.  Adding insult to injury, defensive secretions of kudzu bugs can stain fabric, walls, and skin and may cause skin irritations including blisters to sensitive people.

Circling back to the bugs attacking figs, well, kudzu bug has been also been reported on mulberry. And guess what, like mulberry, fig is also a member of the Moraceae plant family. So, perhaps kudzu bug’s arrival on Sicilian Dark figs is not all that strange. In this time of global change and with the advent of global trade over the past several decades, we should be prepared to meet other warm weather visitors from afar like the stinky kudzu bug.   


Bug of the Week thanks Sam Bahr for sharing images of kudzu bugs and inspiring this episode. The articles “A New Invasive Species in Maryland: The Biology and Distribution of Kudzu Bug, Megacopta cribraria (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Plataspidae)” by A. W. Leslie, C. Sargent, W. E. Steiner, Jr., W. O. Lamp, J. M. Swearingen, B. B. Pagac, Jr., G. L. Williams, and M. J. Raupp and “Bean Plataspid: Megacopta cribraria (Fabricius) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Plataspidae)” by Ashley Poplin and Amanda Hodges provided valuable insights into this pest.  

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Tick Habitat Preferences: Where Are Ticks Most Likely to Thrive?  

As winter’s chill gives way to spring sunshine and warmer weather, a whole new season is gearing up — tick season. Although these troublesome pests can be active year-round, they tend to be more widespread from April through November.  

These creepy-crawlies feed on the blood of their hosts, including humans, dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and other mammals. During the feeding process, ticks can transmit any bacteria, viruses, or parasites they carry and infect their hosts. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 500,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year due to tick bites, and that’s just one of the potential pathogens that ticks carry.  

Other potentially serious illnesses include Powassan virus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis. Alpha-gal syndrome, which is a red meat allergy believed to be triggered by the bite of the lone star tick, is another growing concern in many areas. In worst case scenarios, this syndrome can be life threatening.  

Catseye Pest Control has spent decades helping people and businesses throughout the region prevent and eliminate ticks with professional tick pest control. Proactive measures, including identifying common ticks and where they are likely to live, can help you and the people you care about stay healthy and safe throughout tick season. 

Types of Ticks Found in New England 

Worldwide, more than 900 species of ticks prey on humans and animals throughout the year. These species fall into two main categories: hard ticks and soft ticks. Hard ticks, including the Lyme disease-carrying black-legged tick, tend to feed on humans, pets, and wildlife. Soft ticks, which belong to the Ornithodoros genus, lack the hard “plate” on their backs and have a wrinkled-looking body. They typically feed on hosts like bats and birds but can bite humans as well.  

Hard ticks are the most common type of ticks found in New England and include the American dog tick, black-legged tick, brown dog tick, and Asian longhorned tick. 

American Dog Tick 

closeup of an american dog tick crawling in gray-brown fur

Dogs are the preferred host of American dog ticks, sometimes referred to as wood ticks. Still, these ticks will bite people and other hosts, including rodents, raccoons, and cats. These hard ticks can transmit germs that cause Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia throughout their lifecycle.  

Preferred habitats: edges of forests, grassy fields, and perimeters of trails and walkways 

Black-Legged Tick 

black-legged tick with a reddish-brown body crawls on a green leaf

The black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick, prefers feeding on white-tailed deer. In its nymph and adult female life stages, it can spread Lyme disease as well as anaplasmosis and babesiosis. Adults are often active from spring through fall, with females laying eggs in mid-to-late May. Eggs hatch later in the summer, continuing the lifecycle. 

Preferred habitats: forest edges, tall grasslands, and shrubs 

Brown Dog Tick 

closeup of a brown dog tick with its eight legs outspread against a white background

Although brown dog ticks are more common throughout the southern U.S., they are among the most common here in New England. They often spend their entire lives indoors, taking up residence in homes, dog kennels, and animal pens. Brown dog ticks can spread multiple diseases, including canine babesiosis, canine ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These ticks typically don’t bite humans, instead preferring to feed on canine hosts.  

Preferred habitats: human dwellings, dog kennels, dog parks, and overgrown grass and weeds 

Asian Longhorned Tick 

a reddish-brown asian longhorned tick crawling on a green, variegated leaf

These invasive ticks were first identified in the U.S. in 2017. Although the first identification occurred in New Jersey, this tick has since spread across much of the Eastern part of the country. Asian longhorned ticks typically feed on livestock and wildlife, and females can produce thousands of offspring without any involvement from males. These ticks are known to impact animals’ health, but research into their effects on humans remains ongoing.  

Preferred habitats: pastures, meadows, brushy areas, and debris piles 

Woodland and Forest Habitats 

Ticks are more abundant in forests and woodlands than any other habitats. Scientists believe that the mix of trees and vegetation and abundant hosts like wildlife and rodents are likely the key contributing factors. Additionally, the increased humidity found in forest settings better supports tick populations, although urban green spaces, including woodlands, can also harbor these blood-drinking pests. 

Grasslands and Fields 

Ticks are ground dwellers that thrive in warm, humid areas. Many ticks, including the American dog tick and black-legged ticks, make their homes in the shelter of tall, grassy areas like fields, meadows, and grasslands. While keeping grass neatly trimmed can help with tick prevention, it’s not a guarantee that ticks won’t invade. Ticks have also been found on groomed sports fields, particularly early on dewy mornings. 

Urban and Residential Areas 

Cities, suburbs, towns, and residential areas are not immune to ticks. Ticks can travel from forests and fields via wildlife, allowing them to invade nearly any area. Although tick populations tend to be higher in forests and fields, they also thrive in areas such as:  

  • Wood piles 
  • Leaf piles and outdoor debris 
  • Overgrown shrubs 
  • Tall grass 
  • Fallen branches 
  • Bird feeders 
  • Dog kennels and indoor structures 

Moisture and Temperature Preferences 

Some ticks will dehydrate and die in high temperatures with low humidity levels. Others simply prefer warm, moist areas. In general, ticks thrive in moist, humid conditions, which is why tick populations often increase after heavy rains. Additionally, these cold-blooded pests typically slow down in cool weather to conserve energy. On the flip side, when temperatures warm, tick activity increases. Temperatures of 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit are optimal for ticks to breed and generally live their best lives.  

Tick Prevention  

Knowing where ticks tend to live and hang out is only one piece of the tick prevention puzzle. Avoiding areas filled with high grass, leaf litter, brush, and dense woods is a good starting point for avoiding ticks. Other preventive steps you can take include the following: 

Reducing the Risk of Tick Bites 

  • Treat clothing and camping or hiking gear with products that contain 0.5% permethrin or buy already treated clothing.  
  • Use insect repellents registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that are approved to repel ticks. 
  • Walk in the center of trails and pathways. 
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants tucked into socks. 
  • Perform full body checks, including clothing and gear, when returning inside. 
  • Shower within two hours of being outside. 
  • Check pets for ticks after bringing them indoors. 

Eliminating Tick Habitats 

  • Keep lawns mowed with grass lengths that are no higher than 3 inches. 
  • Remove all brush, debris, and leaf litter from the property. 
  • Add a 3-foot barrier around the yard with crushed stone. 
  • Thin out shrubs and hedges. 

Contact a Tick Pest Control Expert 

You don’t have to battle these dangerous pests alone. Ticks, which belong to the spider family known as arachnids, pose a significant health risk to humans and pets. Working with pest professionals can help you pinpoint the right preventive measures to take. Additionally, professional intervention gives you access to innovative treatment programs like Catseye’s tick pest control program, which includes all-natural treatments for year-long peace of mind. 

Learn more by clicking the link above or by calling Catseye at 888-298-2173 to speak with someone who can answer any questions you may have.  

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Children of all ages will have a great time at the Maryland Day Insect Petting Zoo.


The Spotted lanternfly is a beautiful insect, but a devastating plant pest.

One of the joys of spring is observing the antics of insects and their relatives as they resume their activities outdoors. To celebrate this annual renaissance, the Department of Entomology hosts an award-winning Insect Petting Zoo as part of the Maryland Day Extravaganza at the College Park Campus of the University of Maryland on Saturday, April 27, from 10 am to 3 pm. The Insect Petting Zoo is in the Plant Sciences Building on the ground floor directly across from the Regents Drive parking garage.

This year’s petting zoo will feature an incomparable ensemble of friendly, ferocious, and creepy crawly creatures. A visit to the petting zoo is sure to delight insect aficionados of all ages, and perhaps convert some former haters. This year’s spectacle features bugs from around your home and around the world. Giant Lubber locusts straight from the Everglades of Florida will reveal their favorite delicacies and how they defend themselves from being eaten. Vietnamese and Australian walking sticks are true masters of disguise and giant Madagascar hissing cockroaches will blow your mind with their size and agility.

The ferocious looking whip scorpion does not live up to its name.

Watch out for the Whip Scorpion that has a clever trick up its sleeve, or should we say its tail, to thwart attacks by enemies. If you are lucky, you might catch a glimpse of a Black widow spider with a bright red hourglass tattooed on her abdomen, a ferocious Green Tiger beetle hungry for fresh meat, or a Carpenter bee buzzing about its cage. The arts of trickery, mimicry, thanatosis, and other feats of deception and disguise will be revealed by Blue Death Feigning beetles, the European sowbug (roly poly), Darkling beetles (armored stink beetle), and the astonishing African twig mantis. Learn who will see periodical cicadas this year and why the emergence of Broods XIII and XIX this year is epic.  

The Insect Zoo is not just a treat for the eyes. Children of all ages will have the chance to hold and touch (with parental permission of course) a multi-legged millipede from the desert or a hairy Eastern tent caterpillar from a cherry tree. The very brave may even have a chance to hold a giant tarantula. If touching isn’t your thing, then you can listen to the buzzing of a bee or the hissing of a cockroach from Madagascar. Meet face-to-face the number one killer of humans on the planet – dreaded bloodthirsty mosquitoes.

Come to the Insect Petting Zoo at Maryland Day, Saturday April 27 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Travel around the world to meet rocking Vietnamese walking sticks and giant Australian walking sticks pretending to be dead leaves. Amazing Malaysian leaf insects will try to fool you and watch out for the whip scorpion and its smelly surprise. Hold a giant tarantula if you dare and look at, but don’t touch, the black widow spider. Meet the deadliest creature on our planet, blood-thirsty mosquitoes, and pet a friendly, furry Eastern tent caterpillar. Fast moving green tiger beetles will prowl their cage while blue death feigning beetles will be stuck in second gear. Stop by the cicada corner to learn about the epic dual emergence of Broods 13 and 19 periodical cicadas. Learn why carpenter bees make holes in your deck and why iconic honey bees and their kin are imperiled in our rapidly changing world.

Learn about the epic dual appearance of Brood XIII and Brood XIX periodical cicadas.

Curious smells are on the menu as well. Learn what unwelcome house guest has the aroma of cilantro and discover an arachnid with the pungent odor of vinegar. If you are feeling social, investigate the wonders of perhaps our most important social insect, the honey bee. Stop by the invasive species corner and meet dastardly Emerald Ash Borers, the nefarious home invader and crop destroyer Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, and the newcomer in our region, Spotted Lanternfly.

Children can collect insect stickers and the first 600 visitors may take home a Terrapin Lady Beetle to release in their garden to put a beat-down on insect pests lurking there. 

Don’t miss The Swamp – If you enjoy the life aquatic, be sure to stop by The Swamp, also in the Plant Sciences Building, and learn how dragonflies capture their prey and how diving beetles extract oxygen from water.

So, come one, come all to explore Maryland Day and the Insect Petting Zoo!

To learn more about Maryland Day and the location of the Insect Petting Zoo please click on the following links:

Maryland Day:  

Insect Petting Zoo and Discover a Swamp, 10am-3pm:


Bug of the Week thanks Dr. Paula Shrewsbury and her hardy crew of volunteers for organizing and helping out with the Insect Petting Zoo. Thanks also to Dr. Bill Lamp and his students for organizing Discover a Swamp at Maryland Day. Special thanks to Todd Waters for making our arthropods the happiest six and eight-legged creatures on the planet.

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How to Protect Your New Hampshire Garden from Springtime Pests  

Gardening season is almost here. It officially spans from early May through early October, although you can start sowing some seeds, including peas and broccoli, as early as March. If you are like many New Hampshire residents, you probably start making plans before the temperatures start warming up and the days get longer.  

Catseye Pest Control has helped gardeners and homeowners with organic pest control both indoors and outdoors for decades. Our years of experience have taught us one big lesson — although nothing is foolproof, a healthy, pest-free garden requires a little extra planning. Let’s explore a few of the strategies you can use this year to maximize your garden pest control and help your plants thrive.  

Choose Resilient Plant Varieties 

For starters, what you plant matters. Some species are resistant to pests and diseases, which makes it much simpler to protect the garden. Additionally, opting for drought-tolerant plants can also help minimize problems, as water shortages can stress non-resilient plants and increase their susceptibility to pests.  

Some examples of resilient plants to consider include the following:  

Pest-Resistant Plants 

  • Lavender 
  • Marigolds 
  • Geraniums 
  • Rosemary 
  • Chives  
  • Basil  
  • Chrysanthemums 
  • Nasturtiums 

Deer-Resistant Plants 

  • Salvia 
  • Lavender 
  • Daffodils 
  • Bee balm  
  • Russian sage 
  • Peonies 
  • Bleeding hearts 
  • Garlic 

Drought-Tolerant Plant Varieties 

  • Butterfly milkweed 
  • Blanket flower 
  • Blue wild indigo 
  • Goldenrod 
  • Purple coneflower 
  • Creeping juniper 
  • Forsythia 
  • Flowering quince 
  • Common lilac 

Implement Good Garden Hygiene 

Half the fun of having a garden is spending time in it. Using the time you spend gardening to maintain a well-kept space that focuses on good garden hygiene can make a tremendous difference in controlling pest problems.  

  • Clean Up: Before planting the garden, it’s critical to clear the area of debris from the season before, as that debris can harbor pests. 
  • Rotate Your Crops: Growing plants in different areas of the garden every year can disrupt the lifecycle of the pests that prey on those specific crops, helping to minimize infestations naturally. 
  • Fertilize: Healthy plants are more resistant to pests. By maintaining the health of the soil in your garden, you can support healthy growth that will also resist harmful pests.  
  • Be Mindful of Spacing: Don’t crowd plants together, no matter how tempting it may be, even for decorative landscaping. That full, lush, crowded garden bed is vulnerable to moisture problems. In turn, the added moisture can encourage disease and pests alike. 

Use Organic Pest Control Methods 

Organic pest control methods, like companion planting and introducing beneficial insects to the garden, can help control harmful pests without harming plants, pollinators, or people. This approach prioritizes prevention first, with good garden hygiene at the top of the list.  

Neem Oil 

This versatile, powerful organic pesticide is an agent of control, not prevention. It can impact pollinators, so it’s important to only use it when beneficial insects aren’t active. Derived from neem tree seeds, this natural insecticide can control pests like flea beetles, spider mites, aphids, thrips, whiteflies, and more. It also has fungicidal properties, which can help control diseases like powdery mildew and black spot. 

Companion Planting 

Pairing the right plants together serves as a little bit of gardening magic. Some plants, like corn and green beans, impact the soil in favorable ways for each other. In this instance, the corn provides a natural trellis for the beans while the beans fix the nitrogen in the soil, which helps the corn thrive. Add rosemary and summer savory to the mix, and you can also ward off bean beetles. 

Other plants can naturally help deter pests to make the garden thrive. Some popular pairings include: 

  • Tomatoes with basil to repel mosquitoes and flies 
  • Cucumbers with nasturtiums and marigolds to repel beetles and aphids 
  • Carrots and onions to repel carrot flies 
  • Lettuce with mint and chives to repel slugs and aphids  

Beneficial Insects 

Welcoming natural predators to your garden can be helpful to control the populations of harmful insects. Pollinators can also contribute to the health of the plants. Some examples of beneficial insects include: 

  • Wasps, which prey on insects like spiders, beetles, and stink bugs 
  • Lady beetles (ladybugs), which feed on whiteflies, aphids, and mealybugs 
  • Green lacewings, which prey on scales, aphids, and mites 
  • Assassin bugs, which feed on leafhoppers, caterpillars, aphids, and Japanese beetles 

Install Physical Barriers 

Just as Cat-Guard Exclusion Systems protect key areas of your home and other buildings, physical barriers can protect your plants and garden spaces. Physical barriers, including row covers, fencing, and netting, prevent insects, rodents, and nuisance wildlife from destroying your garden. They can also offer a versatile, long-term, chemical-free solution to pests.  

Row Covers 

Row covers are typically made from gauzy, lightweight fabrics. They let sunlight in, along with ample moisture and airflow. Row covers prevent pests, including insects like aphids and beetles, rabbits, deer, and birds, from munching on and infesting plants. Additional benefits include protecting plants from frost, warming the soil and extending the growing season, and helping plants grow more readily. 


New Hampshire’s Eastern cottontail rabbits can wreak havoc on the garden, chewing on leafy lettuces, flowers, and fruit. Woodchucks also can be incredibly destructive, along with common insects and other wildlife. Fencing helps deter these critters and works particularly well with taller crops that are not well suited for row covers. If you only have small animals invading your garden, a fence two to three feet tall may be sufficient. If you also get deer, you may need fencing a minimum of five to six feet tall to protect your crops. 


Netting is made from translucent mesh fabric or very fine metal that doesn’t allow heat to accumulate as much as row covers do. This helps protect heat-sensitive crops while protecting plants from insects and other pests.  

Regular Inspections/ Professional Pest Control 

No matter what strategies you put into practice, nothing can replace the value of routinely inspecting your garden for signs of trouble. The sooner you catch a potential infestation of insects, rodents, or visiting wildlife, the less damage they can do. Regular inspections give you a chance to remove pests like aphids physically by picking them off or blasting them with the hose. Combined with methods like organic pest control and introducing beneficial insects, simple inspections can be a powerful gardening tool. 

It also empowers gardeners by allowing them to recognize when it’s time to call professionals. Professionals can provide powerful treatments that do minimal harm to people, pets, and the environment. Trained technicians know how to handle situations, including rodent invasions and problems with nuisance wildlife.

Call Catseye for Expert Outdoor Pest Control to Protect Your Garden 

Spring is a magical time, and as nature starts waking up once more, the urge to start gardening increases. However, spring also brings many pests and other critters with it, each of which can damage your gorgeous garden.

Catseye has decades of expertise and the licensing and training necessary to handle even challenging cases with protected species of wildlife. Keep your home and garden safe and free of pests. Whether you need to keep your outdoor space clear of ticks and mosquitoes or eliminate mice and rats with our Rodent Plus Program, Catseye has the services you need.

Contact us today to learn more about our professional pest control services or to schedule a free inspection to get started.

[Schedule an Inspection

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From the Bug of the Week mailbag – Be on the lookout for one slowly moving invasive pest: Euonymus leaf notcher, Pryeria sinica


Yikes! Euonymus leaf notching caterpillars are on the loose. Credit: Jeremy S.


Over two decades followers of Bug of the Week have witnessed tales of exotic, invasive pests like emerald ash borer, brown marmorated stink bug, and spotted lanternfly racing across our country killing trees, pillaging crops, and sometimes invading our homes. Take spotted lanternfly, which, since its discovery in Pennsylvania a mere decade ago has traveled more than 600 miles, or brown marmorated stink bug which spread more than three thousand miles in roughly two decades. As of March 2024, EAB has killed tens of millions of ash trees in 36 US states and the District of Columbia as well as five Canadian provinces, since its discovery in Michigan in 2002. This week we visit another non-native pest. This slow mover has remained more or less bottled-up in Maryland and Virginia for more than 20 years. 

During March and April, hordes of caterpillars strip leaves and create frass fouled foliage (repeat three times fast).

Back in 2002 a new pest was discovered in Fairfax, VA, when a homeowner noticed a voracious caterpillar munching her ornamental euonymus. The caterpillars were sent to Eric Day at the Insect Identification Laboratory in Blacksburg, VA. Eric reared the larvae and sent the unknown moths to specialist John Brown at the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA. Dr. Brown identified the moth as one not known to occur in the US – a new, exotic, invader. The scientific name of this alien is Pryeria sinica. Prior to its discovery in Fairfax, this pest was only known from eastern Russia and China through Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. In 2003 more moths were collected in Northern Virginia and on May 28, 2003, Gaye Williams at the Maryland Department of Agriculture identified specimens of Pryeria sinica from Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Somewhere along the way the new pest was dubbed the euonymus leaf notcher due to the distinctive pattern of feeding caused by the caterpillar. As large caterpillars eat, sections of leaf along the margin disappear down their gullets, hence the name leaf notcher. 

The leaf notcher passes winter as taupe-colored eggs deposited in clusters or 150 or more on pencil-sized twigs near terminals of branches. Eggs hatch in mid-March and early April and tiny caterpillars first feed in tight silken webs spun around unfolded leaves at terminals. As larvae grow, they move to expanded leaves to feed and are often found in large groups. Their presence is easily recognized by marginal notches and coarsely shredded leaves. When abundant, these caterpillars can entirely strip shrubs. After completing development, larvae wander from the plant seeking protected locations to pupate. Large numbers of wandering caterpillars may alarm homeowners, but citizens should remain calm as caterpillars are not known to eat humans or pets. 

In early spring, euonymus leaf notchers hatch from eggs and scores of caterpillars begin to strip the leaves of euonymus. After completing development in spring, caterpillars spin silken cocoons in protected locations. In late October and November, adult moths emerge from very cute pupae, mate, and deposit overwintering eggs on twigs of euonymus.

Adult euonymus leaf-notcher moths fly in autumn and mimic wasps. This one was found less than 10 miles from the Pennsylvania boarder in Hampstead, Maryland. Credit: Charles Krause

In autumn, caterpillars spin cocoons amidst fallen leaves and adult moths appear to fly, mate, and lay eggs on the terminals of euonymus branches. Unlike many moths, euonymus leaf notchers are day fliers. They have unique patterns and colors on their body and wings that make them closely resemble wasps. The fact that they mimic wasps may help them avoid being eaten by day feeding predators such as birds. In North America the leaf notcher has been reported on Euonymus japonicus and E. kiautschovicus ‘Manhattan’. In its native range in Asia, the pest has been reported feeding on E. sieboldianus, E. japonicus, and E. alatus. Moreover, other members of the Celastraceae family such as Celastrus punctatus and C. orbiculatus are recorded as hosts for this pest.

The pest has two obvious weak points that provide excellent opportunities for management. From the time that egg laying ends in December until eggs hatch in spring, eggs can be crushed on the plant or simply removed by pruning off the terminal and disposing of it. If larvae are small or in restricted areas on a plant, then they can also be removed by a gloved hand or pruner. If larvae are widely distributed, abundant, or otherwise difficult to control manually, then several insecticides should perform well. Some of the most “environmentally friendly” insecticides for killing caterpillars contain Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) or the active ingredient called spinosad. Btk destroys cells in the gut of the caterpillar, a slow and painful death to be sure. Spinosad acts on the nervous system of the caterpillar, inducing a more rapid, twitchy form of death. Both insecticides can be purchased as brands that are listed by the Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic food production, which makes them safe enough to be applied to those vegetables and fruits labeled “organic” in your supermarket.  

Euonymus leaf notcher, where are you now? Two excellent sources provide clues to locations where euonymus leaf notcher can be found in the DMV. The Maryland Biodiversity project lists four locations in Maryland with this rascal including Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Prince Georges County, and Anne Arundel County. Carroll County should likely be added to this list as Bug of the Week reported a finding of the leaf-notcher in Carroll County back in November of 2020. A second source of information on locations of the leaf-notcher is iNaturalist which tallies observations in Fairfax and Prince William counties.     


Many thanks to Jeremy S. and Charles Krause for sharing their wonderful images of euonymus leaf notcher and providing the inspiration for this episode. Thanks also to Gaye Williams of the Maryland Department of Agriculture for confirming the identity of the adult moth.

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Do Termites Like Moisture? The Role of Moisture in Termite Infestations 

Although termites seem to be more prevalent in warmer locations, such as Miami, Florida, and Los Angeles, the Northeast and New England area aren’t immune to these pests. Across the country, termites damage roughly 600,000 homes every year, creating an estimated $5 billion in damage.  

After years of providing countless treatments for elimination and prevention throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, Catseye Pest Control has extensive experience dealing with termites. The Catseye team believes that understanding the behavior of these silent destroyers and learning what attracts them to a property is the key to prevention. 

One common question is do termites like moisture? Let’s explore the answer to that and more. Learn more about termite biology, the role moisture plays in their habits, and how to spot the signs of a problem early to better prevent damage from these destructive critters.  

Termite Biology and Behavior 

Termites have lived for millions of years, dating back to the time when dinosaurs roamed the planet. Although there are more than 2,700 species worldwide, the single most common termite found in this region is the subterranean termite.  

In their natural habitats, termites play a beneficial role in the ecosystem. These wood-munching insects aid in recycling dead wood, helping it transform into rich soil and preventing piles of wood from laying around. They have a considerable positive influence on ecosystems in tropical and subtropical locations. 

In your home or on other properties, however, termites can cause massive destruction. They feed primarily on wood and can weaken structural elements without anyone knowing they are even there.  

Basic Termite Biology 

Termites belong to the same family as cockroaches, Blattodea. They have three stages in their life cycle: egg, nymph, and adult. They are social insects that live in large colonies where they fall into three basic groups. Workers have white bodies and make up the bulk of the colony, doing all the tunnel building and caring for young termites. Soldiers have larger, darker-colored heads and work to defend the colony. Swarmers are the termites that mate and lay eggs. They have dark bodies and wings that allow them to leave and start new colonies. 

Termite Behavior 

When the weather warms up in spring, usually from March through May, winged swarmer termites start emerging from homes and the soil. These are new kings and queens that are leaving the colony to mate and start their own colonies. They typically pair up as they fly and then search for an ideal spot to call home once they land.  

Once they do, they start digging their tunnels and establishing their colonies, which may remain small or grow to extensive sizes. Some large colonies can stretch as far as the size of a football field. Typically, termite colonies contain anywhere from 60,000 to two million termites. They build tunnels to travel between the colony and their food sources.  

The reason these insects are so destructive is their eating habits. They constantly eat wood, all day, every day. Over time, their voracious appetite for all things wood can lead to devastating levels of damage to homes and other wooden structures.  

Why Do Termites Like Moisture? 

Are termites attracted to or repelled by moisture? Understanding this dynamic is crucial for homeowners seeking to prevent termite infestations and protect their properties. 

Not surprisingly, subterranean termites love moisture. These pests live underground and in the soil, which helps prevent them from drying out. When they forage above ground, they frequently return to the soil to rehydrate. They travel through the tubes they create from the colony to their food sources, replenishing their bodies’ moisture levels along the way.  

That means water damaged wood is like a flashing “welcome” sign for termites. It offers everything they need — food and moisture — in one premium living location. Although you might think standing water damage, as seen in areas that frequently experience flooding, is the only source of the problem, everyday use of water can also lead to moisture problems. Cracked caulking around showers and tubs, slow leaks under toilets and sinks, improper ventilation, and inadequate ventilation can all contribute to moisture accumulation.  

Signs of a Termite Infestation 

Termite infestations can happen anywhere on a property, including the exterior and interior of a home or other building. Although these pests often leave no visible signs to alert you to their presence, routine inspections and knowing what to look for can help.  

Exterior Signs 

If you notice signs of termites outside, there is a good chance they may be inside your home, as well. Some things to look for include:  

  • Decaying wood, including stumps: Break a piece off and look for masses of white specks. 
  • Areas where wood touches the soil: Check for areas that look like they have rough troughs. 
  • Piles of translucent wings: When swarmers leave the colony, they shed their wings in places like patios, decks, foundation walls, and windowsills. 
  • Mud tubes: These are the pathways termites use to travel from the colony to their food source and can be spotted on the outside of foundations. 
foundation of home with a mud tunnel built by termites

Interior Signs 

You can have a termite infestation for years with no visible signs of damage. However, some things to watch out for include: 

  • Buckling wood floors or blistered spots 
  • Sunken areas or lines that look like trails on the walls 
  • Doors and windows that are suddenly difficult to open  
  • Bubbled appearance on walls and wallpaper 
  • Buckling support beams or ceilings 
paneling of home with significant termite damage

Termite Prevention Strategies 

A 2024 “State of the Termite Market” report revealed that not fixing leaks and moisture issues is among the primary challenges for termite control. Promptly fixing leaks and maintaining adequate drainage around the foundation can help prevent termites. Additional steps you can take include: 

  • Exclusion: Seal off any cracks in the foundation or gaps around utility lines to reduce access.  
  • Smart landscaping: Keep trees and shrubs away from the exterior of the building.  
  • Enhance ventilation: Consider installing a dehumidifier in crawlspaces, basements, and attics to ensure proper airflow. 
  • Store firewood away from the house: Keep firewood and any wood debris at least five to 20 feet away from the exterior of the building. 
  • Perform inspections: Routine monitoring can help catch problems before they become disastrously widespread. 

Contact a Professional Termite Pest Control Company 

Even the best preventive strategies can fail. Termites can be insidious and incredibly destructive. Working with professionals is essential to ensure the colony is completely eradicated. Additionally, the pros at Catseye have training and experience, which helps when it comes to monitoring and inspecting properties for signs of termite activity.  

If you see evidence of an infestation, professional termite pest control is a must. Catseye uses a five-point system to ensure lasting results to restore your peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about our termite control services or to schedule a free inspection to get started.  

The post Do Termites Like Moisture? The Role of Moisture in Termite Infestations  appeared first on Catseye Pest Control.

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