Preventive Pest Control Measures Every Retailer Should Implement 

Preventive Pest Control Measures Every Retailer Should Implement 

Every year, pest infestations cost businesses across the United States nearly $7 billion. Worse, besides temporarily hurting your bottom line, it can cost your establishment in lasting ways, including leaving you with a tarnished brand identity that causes you to lose business.  

The threat is very real, but you can take proactive steps to prevent infestations from derailing your retail business. Catseye Pest Control has decades of experience helping stores just like yours remain pest-free. When preparing, it’s critical to understand what you’re up against, including the common pests you may face. Overcoming the challenge is all about taking preventive actions that can safeguard your property, including knowing when to call for professional help.  

Importance of Pest Control for Retail 

Imagine shopping in your favorite store, only to come across a swarm of ants, scurrying cockroaches, or skittering rodents. Now ask yourself how likely you would be to return to that store.  

Temporary closures, lost productivity, cost increases due to damaged products, and other business losses can quickly add up and leave you holding a hefty bill. Given the costs of doing business in the retail industry, pest-related expenses are one bill you want to avoid at all costs.  

Monthly rental costs for retail real estate soared to $22.95 per square foot in 2023, compared to $19.40 per square foot in 2013. That data from Statista underscores the importance of using your space wisely and in ways that put your retail business’ best foot forward.  

All it takes is one pest to potentially ruin the carefully curated shopping experience you worked hard to create. Additionally, many pests, including rodents, can carry dangerous diseases and create property damage. This is why retail pest control and prevention are so incredibly essential for retailers.  

Common Pests Found in Retail Stores 

Retail food facilities are among the most challenging retail environments to control, primarily due to their unique settings and complex environments with food storage. However, thanks to doors frequently opening and closing and an abundance of foot traffic, retail stores of all types are vulnerable to various pests, including the following: 


Mice and rats can wreak havoc on a retail store. Rodents leave messes everywhere they go, including tiny, germ-filled cylindrical droppings and gnawed food items. Their saliva, urine, and fecal matter may spread disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Additionally, rodents can carry other hitchhiking pests, like mites and fleas, inside along with them. Add in the potential damage from chewing on insulation, wiring, and structural elements, and these pests can be a real nightmare.  


The sight of these insects, which have roamed the earth for more than 100 million years, can cause a major case of the heebie-jeebies for many people. Additionally, common species, including German, Brown-Banded, American, and Oriental cockroaches, can trigger allergies and asthma attacks and contaminate surfaces and food with dangerous germs.  


Ants don’t typically present as much of a public health hazard as cockroaches and other insects, although they can contaminate surfaces and food. However, their presence does leave a lasting impression on customers. Some species, like fire ants, can sting or bite people. Other species, like carpenter ants, can create significant structural damage to your establishment. These typically social pests can create large colonies and present an enormous challenge when attempting to eliminate them without professional help.  


Many people don’t realize they even have termites until the damage is already extensive, which is why routine inspections are so important. Subterranean termites, which are commonly found in this region, are wood-consuming insects. They chew through wood 24/7, causing billions of dollars in damage to homes and commercial properties.  

Wildlife and Birds 

Insects aren’t the only danger. Nuisance wildlife like chipmunks, squirrels, and birds pose another threat. These pests can potentially spread and transmit illness-causing pathogens, carry secondary pests like ticks and mites into your business, and make a real mess of your retail establishment.  

Cleaning Best Practices 

Retailers have a tremendous duty to their customers and clientele, who rely on them to provide a safe, clean environment. Shoppers do not want to enter a store and see dirty floors, overflowing garbage, and filthy surfaces. Keeping your environment clean does more than just improve the impression you make on customers. It can also halt many pest problems before they begin by eliminating sources of food and shelter. These two elements often act like a neon “Welcome” sign to pests.  

Regular Cleaning Routines 

Depending on the nature of your business, you may have more intense needs than others. However, some of the most common actions you should be taking on a routine basis include: 

  • Regularly sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping floors  
  • Wiping down counters and other surfaces 
  • Cleaning up spills or messes promptly 
  • Maintaining sanitized restrooms 

Proper Waste Management 

Regularly taking out the garbage and waste materials is the first step. However, it’s also essential to ensure that trash and other waste is stored in secure, lidded containers, with dumpsters kept away from the building’s exterior. 

Food Storage and Handling Protocols 

If you aren’t a food retailer but allow food storage on the premises, it’s still crucial to follow safe food storage and handling. Keep food in airtight containers and always cook it to safe temperatures and refrigerate promptly as necessary. Additionally, employees should be instructed to wash their hands and clean food preparation surfaces frequently. Any food or beverage spills should be cleaned up promptly to avoid attracting pests and to maintain shoppers’ safety.  

Maintenance and Pest Control 

Promptly fixing — or calling for a professional to fix — problems like leaky pipes can help reduce the risk of certain pests. Moisture-loving insects like cockroaches and termites and thirsty wildlife and rodents could be attracted by the easy access to water. Also, regularly inspecting the building and noting areas like broken screens, worn weatherstripping, and any gaps around utility lines can help prevent pests from entering.  

Sealing Cracks and Entry Points 

Rats, mice, and other pests will take advantage of any access they are given. Cracks, gaps, and other openings provide easy entry. Sealing them with caulk, screening, wire mesh, or exclusion systems like Cat-Guard, which is a permanent barrier for targeted protection, can make a significant difference. 

Pest Monitoring and Detection 

Ongoing monitoring is one of the cornerstones of any effective Integrated Pest Management strategy. IPM seeks to minimize the use of chemical pest control, favoring preventive approaches and early detection. Many pest problems are easier to solve if you can catch them early.  

Catseye’s commercial pest control technicians provide detailed notes about when they visit the property, what they discovered, and how the issues were addressed. Having a professional, trained eye keeping watch over your retail store can provide peace of mind and help catch potential problems before they become widespread. 

When to Call a Commercial Pest Control Professional 

Retailers have a responsibility to their business, their employees, and their customers. Partnering with a qualified professional pest control company from the beginning can help ensure your business remains free of pest activity. 

Don’t wait until you see a pest to get the support you need to protect your brand and your clientele. Contact Catseye today to learn more about our services or to schedule a free inspection.  

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