They’re baaack! Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Halyomorpha halys

They’re baaack! Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Halyomorpha halys

  After a good year of plundering crops and fruit and dodging predators and parasitoids, numbers of stink bugs invading homes is on the rise.

After a good year of plundering crops and fruit and dodging predators and parasitoids, numbers of stink bugs invading homes is on the rise.


This summer witnessed the renaissance of many of our six-legged friends including butterflies and silk moths, but also some nefarious pests like orangestriped oakworm and fall webworm. These were not the only pests on the upswing. Last week stink bugs crashed an outdoor gathering at a friend’s home. Yesterday, at a park in Keedysville, MD, chagrined parents swatted swarms of stink bugs as they collided with children and landed on swings and slides. Over the past two weeks, a deluge of phone calls and emails marked an uptick in reports of brown marmorated stink bugs leering into windows and collecting on siding. The passing of the autumnal equinox marks the beginning of the stink bug’s quest for overwintering refuge and proclaims the start of the home invasion season, a stinky annual tradition throughout much of the country.

They stormed my home climbing walls, finding gaps in screens and siding. They scaled my door frames, ran across my table, partied on my window sills, and probed my walls. The final insult was to lay claim to my coffee cup before my first sip of dark roast.

First discovered near Allentown, PA in the late 1990s, brown marmorated stink bugs (BMSB) now occupy 44 states and four Canadian provinces in North America. Why are stink bugs on the move now? For the past several months, stink bugs have been fattening up on corn, soybeans, garden vegetables, and fruit. But soon this cornucopia of earthly delights will disappear for BMSB and other herbivorous insects. In temperate locations like Maryland, winter halts the growth of deciduous trees and shrubs and withers herbaceous plants. Food for plant and fruit-eating stink bugs all but disappears. With the arrival of cold weather, stink bug movement slows to a crawl and their development grinds to a halt. Prior to this inimical season, stink bugs seek refuge to chill-out where they will be protected from harsh weather and dangerous predators.

Stink bugs preparing to overwinter release aggregation pheromones. This assembly call directs stink bugs to potential hibernal refuges.

Stink bugs preparing to overwinter release aggregation pheromones. This assembly call directs stink bugs to potential hibernal refuges.

Why do stink bugs enter homes and man-made structures? Some folks incorrectly believe these home invasions provide warm winter refuge for stink bugs. Bear in mind that millions of years ago when these creatures evolved, there were no mansions or man-made structures to invade. Until recently, the natural winter redoubts of these stinkers were largely unknown. However, a clever study revealed large, freshly deceased but still standing trees are a prime winter hideout for stink bugs in natural settings. The loose bark of these trees affords a fine location for stink bugs to crawl underneath and escape the ravages of winter. Rocky ridge tops provide many dead trees and abundant places for stink bugs to chill-out. For many viewers of Bug of the Week, stink bugs on rocky ridge tops seems like a remote problem. However, the nuisance potential of BMSB is almost without equal. To a stink bug, a home provides a wonderful assortment of overwintering opportunities beneath siding, behind shutters, and in attics. The pending invasion some homeowners face is no trivial matter. In 2011, a homeowner in western Maryland captured more than 26,000 BMSBs from January through June as they moved about his home seeking egress from their overwintering refuge. Yikes! 

Why do populations of BMSB fluctuate so dramatically from year to year and place to place? Scientists at Virginia Tech and the USDA’s Appalachian Fruit Lab have evidence that visits from polar vortices in the winters of 2014 and 2015 put a beat-down on overwintering BMSB in our region. Fascinating studies at the University of Maryland suggest that our smoking hot summers kill some of the gut microbiota critical to the normal growth and development of stink bug nymphs. Mounting evidence from several universities and government laboratories in our region suggests that indigenous and introduced predators and parasites may be catching up with stink bugs and levying a toll on their populations (see Death of a stink bug, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4).  My money is on the possibility that all of these factors, and perhaps some still unknown, conspired to reduce stink bug numbers in our region over the past several years. However, as is often the case in the natural world, as prey populations decline, so too do numbers of the predators, pathogens, and parasites attacking them. Perhaps a relative dearth of stink bugs in preceding years and a resultant regional decline in Mother Nature’s hit squad has allowed stink bugs populations to rebound a bit this year. Only Mother Nature and the stink bugs know for sure. Is this a crescendo leading to the return of stink bugs to major pest status here in the DMV? Only time will tell. One thing is certain, over the next several weeks stink bugs will be on the move. It’s time to seal cracks and crevices around the home, replace worn weather-stripping and door sweeps, and make sure that screens are in good repair. Steps to keep stink bugs out will also help to keep energy in during the winter season, paying dividends now by reducing the stink bug nuisance and later by saving energy costs.


Bug of the Week thanks Marie, Tom, Eloise, Abigail, and members of the BMSB Working Group for providing information and inspiration for this episode. Interesting studies including one by D. B. Inkley, “Characteristics of home invasion by the brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera:  Pentatomidae)”, were also consulted. 

To learn more about BMSB biology, distribution and management, please visit the following web site:  

To learn how to keep BMSB out of your home and what to do when they get in, please watch the following video: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Control: Keeping Stink Bugs Out of Your House

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Identifying Birds in Chimneys & Attics

Damage & Diseases Caused by Bird Nests Need to be Handled Quickly & Effectively

The chirping of birds is an enjoyable sound — unless of course those birds are singing from inside the attic and chimney of your home or business.

Birds will nest in places that are protected from weather and high up from the ground so that their young are protected from predators.

In nature, nesting spots will vary depending on the species of bird. But spaces like attics and chimneys may also be suitable nesting places for birds.

These visitors and their nests can be an unwelcome sight for homeowners and business operators.

Effects of Untreated Bird Infestations

An uncontrolled bird infestation can lead to considerable damage to your home or business, as well as potential health risk caused by diseases spread by birds.

Diseases spread by birds include Histoplasmosis, Tuberculosis, Cryptococcus, Encephalitis, Toxoplasmosis, Chlamydiosis, Coccidiosis, and many others. It is also possible for these diseases to be spread through bird droppings.

Birds can also carry ectoparasites such a fleas, mites, lice and ticks.

And let’ not forget, birds can also infect food sources including animal feeders, flowers, buds, and fruits and vegetables.

Signs of Birds in a Chimney

Birds that typically nest in hollow trees may find comfort in building a nest inside a chimney.

If you suspect birds are living inside your chimney, there are a few things you can check for to be sure it is in fact a bird(s).

Birds inside of chimneys will make a lot of noise such as chirping, flapping, rustling, and scratching when trying to escape.

If birds are in fact living inside the chimney, there will be increased bird activity around your home. If your chimney flue is open, it’s possible to see birds flying in and out of the chimney.

Finally, a foul odor coming from your chimney could unfortunately mean that dead and decaying birds are inside.

A bird nest in the chimney can pose several dangers.

The nests themselves can block airflow, sending carbon monoxide and smoke into your home. In extreme cases this blockage may result in a fire.

Signs of Birds in the Attic

Entering through gaps in the roofline, soffits, fascia, and flashing can act as a point of entry for birds who are looking to build a nest in the attic.

The birds, once in the attic, will make loud noises including chirping, rustling, flapping, and scratching.

If there are baby birds in the nest, you could potentially hear constant chirping as the babies call for their mother.

The birds can damage, and even destroy, valuables that are stored in your attic, among make an unsightly mess.

While building a nest in the attic, birds will also look for numerous materials suitable for supporting their eggs and camouflaging themselves from predators. They’ll will search for materials such as twigs, leaves, yarn/rope, broom thistles, even silk from spider webs.

How to Handle Bird Removal Yourself

While there are many DIY efforts that some will suggest, these efforts can be quite dangerous, including getting rid of pigeons.

It’s also important to remember that many bird species are protected by law. With this in mind, bird removal needs to be handled with extreme care.

Homeowners should also keep in mind the species of birds that are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that cannot be disturbed or evicted, like the Chimney Swift bird.

Chimney swifts, much like their name suggests, prefer to nest inside chimneys. These birds and their nests are protected by federal government.

Attempting to trap the birds yourself may be difficult and ineffective since traps will be most effective in feeding sites as opposed to nesting sites such as your chimney.

In addition, birds may become too disoriented inside your chimney to fly into a trap. This disorientation can lead to the bird becoming injured and stuck inside the chimney.

Avoid trying to encourage the birds to leave by smoking them out as the nesting material could cause a fire.

Depending on how many birds are living in your chimney or attic, it could be possible to scare them out. Making loud noises or shining a bright light where they’ve built their nest could encourage them to leave the building.

Do not try to simply remove the nest yourself as you may become exposed to dangerous diseases.

The best way to solve your bird problem is to contact a wildlife management professional immediately. They will be well versed in the laws for your area regarding any bird protections.

Catseye Pest Control technicians are trained in safe, effective, and humane methods of removal of birds.

Bird Removal & Exclusion

Removing birds from homes and businesses requires a careful eviction process from professional technicians, and that begins with an in-depth inspection of the property.

This allows our team to identify the species of bird inhabiting the home or business, what is attracting them to the structure, and if there is any damage or entry points that need to be repaired.

With these aspects identified, a solution can be determined and put into action.

Using a variety of visual and sound deterrents, the birds are encouraged to leave and not return.

Once the birds have left, our technicians are able to perform cleaning and disinfectant tasks that will eliminate the risk of diseases being spread by the birds or droppings.

For more extensive bird damage, and to prevent future nesting activity, Catseye technicians can install Cat-Guard Exclusion Systems — a permanent solution to nuisance wildlife.

Our state-of-the-art exclusion system is the best line of defense against nuisance wildlife for your home, business, or other structure on your property.

If you think you have a bird infestation, contact our wildlife management professionals today.

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Cleaning Up After Mice & Other Rodents

Use These Tips for Cleaning Up the Mess & Damage Left Behind by Mice & Other Rodents

Mice are very small and there are several ways they can get into a home or business.

These rodents are also a danger, not just because of the damage they can cause, but also because the several diseases they carry may be harmful if spread to humans.

If you believe your home or business has a mouse infestation, there are a few things you can do to handle the problem yourself.

Begin by eliminating the mice from the home or business using rodent traps and sealing any entry points.

Be sure to check traps daily. If a week passes with no rodents caught, this will signify that the mice have most likely left the area.

And if the job is too big or hard to handle yourself, you know you can call us to get it done quickly and efficiently.

How to Clean Up After Mice Infestations

Once you know the mice are gone (and for good), you can now go about cleaning the area.

These steps will result in a disinfected area that will ensure you and your family are safe and healthy.

While cleaning up after mice, be sure to wear rubber, latex, or vinyl gloves. When the job is complete, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands.

You should also consider wearing a respirator, eye protection such as safety goggles, and use a HEPA filter in your vacuum while cleaning up after mice.

Remove Dead Rodents & Nests

Spray the dead rodent or nest with disinfectant/bleach mixture and let soak for at least 5 minutes. There are different steps to take to get rid of mice in your walls.

While wearing protective gloves, double bag the rodent(s) or nest(s) in tightly sealed plastic bags. The bag should then be placed into a covered trash can that is emptied on a consistent basis.

This process is very important and needs to be handled with caution as mice and other rodents have been known to transmit diseases to humans.

Diseases mice spread include Hantavirus, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, and of course — the plague.

Ventilate the Area

Before cleaning the area, open doors and windows to allow fresh air to flow into the area.

Use cross-ventilation and leave the area for at least 30 minutes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this will ensure that the droppings are no longer infectious and are safe to remove.

Keep the area ventilated while cleaning.

Remove Mouse Droppings & Urine

Avoid sweeping or vacuuming to prevent creating dust-like matter.

Be sure to wear rubber, latex, or vinyl gloves when cleaning urine and droppings to avoid a potential infection or contracting a virus spread by rodents.

To clean the areas impacted by urine and droppings, spray the area with a mixture of water and bleach, then let it soak for at least 5 minutes.

The concentration mixture should be 1-part bleach to 10 parts water.

Next, use a paper towel to wipe up the urine and droppings, then immediately place in the garbage.

Clean & Disinfect Entire Area

Once the urine and feces have been removed, the remaining areas will need to be cleaned.

Use a disinfectant or bleach solution to mop floors and clean countertops, etc.

Upholstered furniture and carpets that have been exposed to rodents should be steam cleaned or shampooed.

Wash all clothing and bedding that could have been exposed to mice urine or droppings in hot water.

Cleaning Basements, Attics & Storage Areas

For proper ventilation, fans will be a big help in these types stuffy or windowless areas.

Insulation with evidence of mouse urine or droppings should be removed and placed in plastic garbage bags.

The floor, trimming, and walls that have been contaminated should be cleaned with disinfectant spray.

Move contaminated boxes outside and into direct sunlight. Any cardboard boxes with evidence of urine or droppings from mice or other rodents should be thrown away.

Plastic, glass, or metal containers can be sanitized with disinfectant spray and wiped with paper towels.

Some items stored in contaminated boxes can be wiped off using disinfectant spray.

Depending on the severity of the contamination, other items such as books and documents should be left outside in the sunshine for an extended period of time.

Leaving an infected item in sunlight for several hours will help to reduce the risk of an infectious virus.

Importance of Using Professional Rodent Clean Up Services

Mice infestations are a common occurrence. But especially throughout the Northeast, including in the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York.

These whiskered rodents are more than happy to move into homes and offices where there is a supply of food or water, warmth, and protection from the elements.

In many cases, business owners and homeowners have found mouse removal to be quite difficult to handle on their own.

In the event of a heavy mice infestation, contact mice and rodent control professionals to ensure proper handling of the issue.

Catseye Pest Control provides consumers with proper mouse removal as well as cleaning up after mice that have contaminated the home or office.

Mouse removal and cleanup is only part of the process. To prevent a future rodent infestation, it is essential to seal all points of entry.

To do so, Catseye offers Cat-Guard Exclusion Systems, a state-of-the-art exclusion product that keeps unwanted rodents and wildlife out of homes, businesses, and other structures for good. Our permanent pest and rodent-exclusion system protects homes, businesses, and other structures.

This long-term solution will protect your investment from being taken over by nuisance wildlife like mice and other rodents.

To learn more, contact our pest and wildlife professionals today.

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Why are Bees Important?

Bees are One of the Most Impactful Flying Insects on the Planet

Does the phrase “as busy as a bee” sound familiar?

It probably does, and for good reason.

While we’re busy completing daily tasks, someone might say they are as busy as a bee — but we don’t usually think about the actual little bee and how busy it is.

Bees are one of the hardest working creatures, but the insect is truly underappreciated.

So, why are bees important to us and the environment?

Benefits of Bees & Pollination

Bees can be a frightening sight at a picnic — but the winged pest plays a big part in food being a possibility for us to enjoy.

Among the benefits of bees, pollination is at the top of the list.

Pollination is the transfer of pollen to a stigma, ovule, flower, or plant to allow fertilization. It’s seemingly invisible to the human eye, but it holds substantial importance in agriculture.

Thus, the benefits of bees truly outweigh any fear we should have of these flying insects.

Improved Food & Diet Through Pollination

If we didn’t have bees, our world would be a much different place.

Take into consideration how much bees, like honey bees, pollinate.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), more than 75 percent of the world’s food crops producing fruits and seeds depend on pollination.

The food we consume largely depends on bee pollinators for sustained production, yield, and quality.

Pollination-dependent crops, like coffee and cocoa beans, provide income for farmers — especially smallholder and family-run farms.

Not to mention the ever-increasing value honey holds as a means of income for farms and beekeepers.

Plants that are well-pollinated are more likely to produce larger, tastier fruits and vegetables. Plants have the ability to determine how much effort is needed to produce bountiful fruits and vegetables.

Plants that aren’t pollinated appropriately will produce something that is misshaped, bland, or mealy.

And thanks to bees acting as pollinators, farm animals and livestock have a diverse source of food to forage.

Biodiversity Through Bee Pollination

Pollination is one of the most important factors that contributes to biodiversity.

It helps to produce a variety of different plants, and as we have learned, a lot of these are food crops.

Not only are flowering plants dependent on pollination, bees and forest beekeeping help to sustain forest ecosystems. This process is done through the regeneration of trees, which then helps to conserve forest biodiversity.

Organizations, like the FAO, are working to promote worldwide action to safeguard wild and managed pollinators while promoting the sustainable use of pollination services.

These services have been recognized as vital for agricultural growth and a healthy ecosystem.

Bee Population Declining

Pollinators, like bees and butterflies, are under threat, ensuring a sustainable agriculture can reduce the threat these helpful insects face.

The loss of biodiversity and the wide-spread use of harmful pesticides have been heavily linked to the bee population declining in recent years.

Some pesticides, when applied at high concentration level or frequently, create a chemical-intensive environment and leads to negative effects on pollinators.

In turn, concentrated applications have been linked to the bee population declining over the years.

With the benefits of bees in mind, professional bee removal and control is essential if you suspect your home or business has a bee infestation.

Environmentally friendly treatment and prevention plans give you peace of mind while also safeguarding this pollinator.

Did you know? Catseye Pest Control works with local beekeepers in each of our service territories to protect these wonderful pollinators!

For more information about professional bee removal and control solutions, contact our pest management professionals today.

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Threat of Lyme Disease on The Rise

What You Need to Know About Tick-Borne Diseases & How to Protect Yourself

A growing focus and concern have been on mosquito-borne viruses recently, such as the Zika virus, but we need to also put some attention on tick-borne diseases.

The most prevalent of those diseases carried and transmitted by ticks is Lyme disease, and it’s likely most everyone in the Northeast United States have not only heard of Lyme, but personally know someone affected by this disease, if not affected themselves.

Even more concerning is the fact that scientists are predicting that an incurable form of Lyme disease has the potential to effect more than 2 million people by the year 2020.

Lyme Disease & the Dangers it Poses

Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States and is spread by ticks infected with the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium.

It also most commonly spread by the deer tick — also known as the blacklegged tick.

In many cases doctors are able to prescribe antibiotics so that the symptoms can pass.

However, there are cases where symptoms linger in what is known as post-treatment Lyme disease, or post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome. The condition is characterized by cognitive dysfunction, debilitating fatigue, and chronic pain.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much understanding surrounding post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, and there is no diagnosis for it.

As such, the treatment can be controversial and might not be ideal.

Lyme Disease is Widespread in the U.S.

When looking at a graph of confirmed cases distributed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we can see two months — June and July — with extreme peeks in Lyme disease cases.

With such peeks, and unconfirmed cases of Lyme disease, many experts are suggesting we could see as many as 2 million cases as soon as 2020.

Using Monte-Carlo simulation techniques and public records, it has been estimated that the number of post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome cases could reach 2 million by the year 2020.

With such a staggering rate of increase, and the increase in post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome cases, many health officials are concerned for the future and if they can create a successful treatment.

Signs & Symptoms of Lyme Disease

The spread of tick-borne diseases can happen throughout the year, but it is most common for cases to occur from April through September.

There can be situations where it’s not possible to spot an attached tick, so it’s important to know the symptoms commonly associated with Lyme disease:

Early Signs of Lyme Disease:

Within a few days of a tick bite, a rash can appear starting at the site of the bite. It often looks like a red bullseye. Someone bit by a tick can also experience body aches, swollen lymph nodes, fever, chills, and headache. These symptoms will typically appear within a month of being bitten.

Later Signs of Lyme Disease:

These symptoms of Lyme disease will usually occur within a month or so after being bitten by a tick. Arthritis with severe joint pain, facial palsy, intermittent pain in tendons, dizziness, nerve pain, heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat, and problems with short-term memory can be signs of Lyme disease.

Preventing Tick Infestations & the Spread of Lyme Disease

Since ticks are a constant threat to those living in much of North America, including New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and the New England region, preventing a tick infestation is essential.

Finding and treating a tick infestation can be difficult, especially if they are hiding throughout the property.

Pest management professionals have the education, equipment, and skills to handle the infestation.

To prevent a tick infestation, the spread of Lyme disease, and other tick-borne diseases, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Remove leaf litter, brush, and other lawn debris.
  • Regularly mow tall grass along the property line.
  • Thoroughly check yourself for ticks after spending time outdoors — especially in wooded areas. It’s also important to check your pets after they come inside.

Our tick treatment and control service safely kills the ticks on the property while also creating a barrier that prevents ticks from entering the lawn, home, or business in the future.

If you have found ticks inside your home or business, it’s possible that you have a tick infestation.

Contact our team of trained pest control professionals to eliminate your tick infestation and prevent the spread of tick-borne diseases.

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Searching for Red Admiral caterpillars, Vanessa atalanta

  A red admiral appears to survey the surrounding landscape from a small branch. Is it seeking a mate or getting ready to search for food?

A red admiral appears to survey the surrounding landscape from a small branch. Is it seeking a mate or getting ready to search for food?


In a previous episode, we met an electrolyte-seeking red admiral butterfly as it lapped salty perspiration from the back of a hand.  While meeting this butterfly up close and personal was fun, one of the pursuits of typical bug geeks is to observe not only adult insects but also their fascinating and sometimes-cryptic immature stages. The best hope to observe red admiral caterpillars rests on a visit to the moist forest where stinging nettle abounds.  You see, stinging nettles and other members of nettle family, Urticaceae, are favored hosts of red admiral caterpillars.  Having experienced great luck in spotting several red admirals, other brush-footed butterflies, and swallowtails in Shenandoah National Park, a return to nettle covered slopes of the verdant woodland forests seemed like the right move to hunt caterpillars.

After several failed attempts to find a shelter occupied by a red admiral, we hit pay dirt and found a few beautiful caterpillars inside their leafy redoubts. Video credit: M. J. Raupp and P. M. Shrewsbury

This mature red admiral caterpillar will soon form a chrysalis.

This mature red admiral caterpillar will soon form a chrysalis.

On the lower slopes of Hawksbill Mountain stinging nettles abound and red admiral butterflies are easily spotted along the rocky trail. Some caterpillars of butterflies, like those of black swallowtails, are easy to find as they feed in the open on their host plants. However others, like caterpillars of the silver spotted skipper and spicebush swallowtail, have a clever trick to avoid the ever-searching eyes of hungry predators. As they feed, young caterpillars fold and roll individual leaves of their host plant around their bodies, creating an edible shelter. As caterpillars develop and grow, several leaves may be bound together to form a very private and protective “nest.” Pupation also occurs within these leafy shelters.


Whether its extracting salt from a pebbly beach along the Potomac, lapping perspiration from the back of a hand, seeking nutrients from a weep-hole in a tree, or tasting the surface of a lawn chair, red admirals are fascinating to observe.  Video credit: M. J. Raupp and P. M. Shrewsbury

In the waning days of autumn, adults that emerge from pupae will begin a southward journey to warmer realms in Texas and further south to escape the rigors of winter temperatures. When winter releases its grip over much of North America, hibernating adults begin stirring and will soon undertake their journey northward to take advantage of fresh patches of nettles blanketing the forest floor. Two broods of red admirals occur annually throughout much of the United States. Red admirals are not unique to the United States and are found in parts of Central America, Mexico, Canada, several Caribbean Islands, New Zealand, Europe, Northern Africa, and Asia. Last week red admirals were very plentiful in butterfly gardens throughout the DMV, but you better hurry to get a glimpse of these beauties. With the first frost, a speedy exodus of our migrant butterflies to southern latitudes might be just around the corner.


Bug of the Week thanks Dr. Shrewsbury for wrangling and videoing red admiral caterpillars. Two superb websites, Butterflies and Moths of North America and Maryland Biodiversity Project, were used to prepare this episode, as was David Wagner’s remarkable Caterpillars of Eastern North America.

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A sunflower surprise: Silvery checkerspot, Chlosyne nycteis

  A tiny silvery checkerspot caterpillar glides across the leaf’s surface on delicate strands of silk.

A tiny silvery checkerspot caterpillar glides across the leaf’s surface on delicate strands of silk.


One of the real pleasures of spring is to buy a packet of sunflower seeds, plant them in the soil, and see what develops over the course of the growing season. Having selected a packet marked dwarf sunflowers, we germinated the seeds, grew potted seedlings, and installed them in a front flower bed with expectations of pretty sunflowers just tall enough for close observation at eye-level for children and adults. Little did we know that by the end of August, these sunflowers would exceed ten feet in height, dwarves only for exceedingly large humans or small giants. Fortunately, sunflowers and other members of the aster clan turn out to be excellent hosts for the wonderful silvery checkerspot butterfly, close cousin to the Baltimore checkerspot, state insect of Maryland.

A phalanx of stout spines helps protect the checkerspot caterpillar from the jaws of hungry predators.

A phalanx of stout spines helps protect the checkerspot caterpillar from the jaws of hungry predators.

The first clues of the checkerspot visit were severely skeletonized leaves. It turns out that the silvery checkerspot female deposits her eggs in large clusters. Upon hatching, tiny caterpillars feed in a great herd on the underside of a leaf, removing the tender tissue and leaving behind only a skeleton of veins and the papery thin epidermal layer of the leaf’s upper surface. By September, several leaves of the sunflower wore the signature of roving bands of caterpillars. Here in Maryland, two broods of silvery checkerspots occur each year, the second of which spends the winter as caterpillars in a protected location on the ground. These caterpillars complete their development the following spring with the return of warm temperatures and the appearance of tender leaves of Jerusalem artichokes, black-eyed Susans and other members of the aster family. Don’t be surprised to see pretty silvery checkerspots nectaring or basking on a wide variety of plants as summer turns to autumn. They can be seen from June through September and have been reported in every county west of the Chesapeake Bay here in Maryland.

Advertised as dwarf sunflowers, these giants soon wore the marks of roving bands of caterpillars as they grazed on leaves and danced in the sunlight. Fully grown caterpillars removed great chunks of foliage before pupating and turning into spectacular butterflies, nectaring and basking in the late summer sun.


Bug of the Week thanks Eloise and Abigail for providing inspiration and sharing their caterpillars. Caterpillar guru Karin Burghardt identified the hungry herd and the wonderful Maryland Biodiversity Project website and David Wagner’s “Caterpillars of Eastern North America” were consulted in preparation of this episode.

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Old World mantis with New World tastes: European Mantis, Mantis religiosa

  A small black spot often with a white center on the inside of each front leg provides a quick clue to separate the European mantis from other species found in our region.

A small black spot often with a white center on the inside of each front leg provides a quick clue to separate the European mantis from other species found in our region.


Late summer and early autumn are times when sightings of praying mantises often generate interest from gardeners here in the DMV. It’s not that mantises have spontaneously generated during this season. Rather, these cryptic sit-and-wait predators are pretty tough to spot earlier in the season when they are small and blending in with the foliage of plants on which they hunt. This week an eagle-eyed graduate student spotted a beautiful European mantis hiding in my flower bed.

This European mantis finds brown marmorated stink bugs delicious. Mantises are part of Mother Nature’s hit squad turning back the tide of invasive pests.

This European mantis finds brown marmorated stink bugs delicious. Mantises are part of Mother Nature’s hit squad turning back the tide of invasive pests.

The European mantis was first discovered in the US in 1899 in New York State. It arrived apparently as a stowaway on a shipment of nursery stock from Europe. The name ‘mantis’ comes from the ancient Greeks who used the word mantis to describe a soothsayer, or one that could see into the future, and the future of this mantis in the New World has been bright. Since its introduction to North America, this magnificent creature has spread throughout much of the United States. It is now widespread east of the Mississippi and northward into Canada. In years past, European mantises have been invited into our laboratory to enjoy a life devoid of the predators so plentiful outdoors. In captivity our young mantises spend time cavorting in a terrarium and practicing their hunting skills on fruit flies, the mainstay of their diet. As they mature, these predators progress to larger prey such as grasshoppers, caterpillars, and crickets.

This brown egg case, or ootheca, contains scores of eggs that will survive the winter and hatch next spring.

This brown egg case, or ootheca, contains scores of eggs that will survive the winter and hatch next spring.

As we learned in a previous episode of Bug of the Week, mantises have a disconcerting habit of eating each other. To prevent unfortunate dining experiences, our mantises are raised in isolation. As summer becomes autumn, our mantises turn their attention towards finding a mate. One particularly lovely femme fatale named Manti enjoyed dinner and a date with a charming, but hapless, and soon headless, gentleman named Little Richard. Manti later presented us with a spectacular egg case called an ootheca. The ootheca is a Styrofoam-like structure deposited by the female mantis on a structure such as a branch or trunk of a tree. A single ootheca may house more than one hundred eggs. Outdoors these eggs endure the inimical winter season safe inside the ootheca, and hatch when warm temperatures and abundant tasty prey return in the spring.

Mantises are not without their own predators. By day, birds hunt these marvelous insects. By night, as mantises fly about seeking food or mates, they are hunted by hungry bats. Bats use ultrasonic signals to detect prey such as moths and mantises in the dark. One might think mantises are helpless in defending themselves from these stealthy nocturnal predators. But mantises have a clever trick up their sleeve or, more correctly stated, a clever ear on their chest. Many species of mantises have evolved an organ to detect sound, an ear so to speak, on the underside of their thorax. Mantises use this ear to detect ultrasonic “chirps” emitted by hunting bats. When the soaring mantis detects the signals of a hungry bat, it evades the bat by quickly diving to the ground.

This morning I happened to spy my resident mantis resting on a milkweed plant enjoying a breakfast of a large milkweed bug. Milkweed bugs bear the orange and black color pattern of other milkweed feeders, including the monarch butterfly, that warn predators of noxious chemicals stored in their bodily tissues. In fact, studies of the Chinese mantid we met in a previous episode demonstrate its ability to learn not to consume nocent milkweed bug prey.  Maybe my European mantis has a more ironclad constitution than its eastern cousin. Or maybe this gastronomic adventure will turn into a dietary mistake. Tomorrow I will check and see if the mantis experienced any digestive distress. As you work in the garden over the next several weeks, keep your eyes open. It’s a good time to catch a glimpse of these beguiling ambush predators.

Hey milkweed bugs, guess who is coming to breakfast. That’s right, a European mantis. And guess what, you’re breakfast! 


Bug of the Week thanks Lizzie Dabek for spotting the mantis and providing the inspiration for this episode. The fascinating articles “Recent range expansion of the Praying Mantis, Mantis religiosa Linnaeus (Mantodea: Mantidae),in British Columbia” by Robert Cannings, “The midline metathoracic ear of the praying mantis, Mantis religiosa” by  David D. Yager and Ronald R. Hoy, and “Mantids and milkweed bugs – efficacy of aposematic coloration against invertebrate predators” by May Berenbaum and E. Miliczky, provided keen insights used in this story.

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Tent caterpillars everywhere? Nah – Fall Webworm, Hyphantria cunea

  An explosive season for fall webworms finds trees throughout our region festooned with silken webs.

An explosive season for fall webworms finds trees throughout our region festooned with silken webs.


We’ve had a lot of fun this season enjoying Lepidoptera, members of the moth and butterfly clan, where swallowtails, brush footed butterflies, and silk moths large and small have been featured. In this year of caterpillar glory, several of the not-so-nice moths, including Fall Webworm, have enjoyed a renaissance as well. Actually, the crescendo of Fall Webworm has been building over the past several years and this Bug Guy is hoping they have reached the climax in our region. Fall webworms are causing quite a mess. Complaints about their numbers have been coming in from Baltimore to Washington as they denude trees of leaves and festoon them with their messy, persistent webs.

Eastern tent caterpillars are spring feeders whose tents wind-up in the crotches of branches on preferred hosts like cherry.

Eastern tent caterpillars are spring feeders whose tents wind-up in the crotches of branches on preferred hosts like cherry.

 As I visited with folks this summer, several asked about these ubiquitous “tent caterpillars”. Let’s set the record straight: tent caterpillars, webworms, what’s the difference and how do you tell them apart? It’s easy. Eastern Tent Caterpillars (ETC) appear in March and early April in our area and build tents around branches in the crotches where branches diverge, or where limbs join the trunk. The common hosts of ETC are trees in the rose family such as cherry and apple. ETC leave the safety of their nests to feed on foliage along the branches, returning to their nests by evening after eating their fill. They will abandon their nests to pupate on the ground and emerge as adult moths in June and July. By contrast, Fall Webworms first appear in May and June and build expansive nests on the terminals (ends) of branches, incorporating the foliage they will feed upon. A second generation follows the first and in this year of moth and butterfly nirvana, they and their nests are super abundant through July, August, and September.


Inside the webs, fall webworm caterpillars devour leaves and deposit tiny mounds of frass.

Inside the webs, fall webworm caterpillars devour leaves and deposit tiny mounds of frass.

Fall Webworms are one of the most catholic of all caterpillars and eat several common trees in our area including cherry, crabapple, maple, sweet gum, sycamore, and walnut. Fall Webworms are known to feed on more than 200 species of plants. Two distinct tribes of Fall Webworms have been described, one with black heads and others with red heads. In the latter half of August, we near the finale of webworm activity for the year. The webworm caterpillars in the nests will soon vacate their shelters to form pupae in the leaf litter and duff beneath trees, where they will spend the autumn, winter, and early spring. Next spring and early summer, adult Fall Webworm moths will emerge from the soil, find mates, and lay hundreds of eggs on the undersides of leaves. Tiny caterpillars hatch and spin small webs, first around their natal leaf and later around small clusters of leaves on the same branch. Inside the relative safety of these webs, larvae munch on leaves. As they grow, larvae enlarge the web to include ever-greater expanses of leaves and branches. When Fall Webworms are abundant, entire trees may be enclosed in these webs. After the first generation of webworms has developed, they move to the ground to pupate, produce new adults, and the cycle repeats. In Maryland, two generations of Fall Webworm are common annually, while in southern states such as Georgia and Texas as many as four generations occur each year.

 In most years and most locations, Fall Webworms do not cause serious damage to trees. However, their nests create a bad case of “ugly” that persists well into the winter. Of course, one easy way to be done with these messy guys is to simply remove them by hand or with pruners when you first see the nests. If nests are far above the ground, a pole pruner may be handy. And don’t just toss the nests aside or you may learn that the caterpillars can march right back up the tree. Place the nest in a bag and discard it. Fortunately for us, Fall Webworm cycles wax and wane in a given area with years of hordes followed by years of few.

A look inside a webworm nest often reveals caterpillars twitching nervously, and why not? A Polistes wasp has landed on the web, extracted a webworm, and turned it into a ball of protein ready for transport back to the nest, food for developing wasp larvae.

Larvae of parasitic wasps emerge from the body of a fall webworm after devouring its internal organs.

Larvae of parasitic wasps emerge from the body of a fall webworm after devouring its internal organs.

More than 50 species of parasitoids and 30 species of predators are known to attack and kill Fall Webworm in North America. People often ask if this is yet another invasive species from another land causing trouble in the US. Nope, this pest is a home grown native that loves our native trees. One issue that really makes me peevish is the ever-increasing influx of exotic and invasive pests we find in our landscapes and gardens. Just think about the misery caused by Japanese beetles, gypsy moths, and emerald ash borer. I am often asked if this is a one-way street, with the USA the recipient of nasty bugs and the rest of the world getting off scot-free. Absolutely not! One of our pesky “gifts” to the rest of the world is Fall Webworm. In the 1940’s this insect was accidentally introduced to Hungary from North America. It has now spread throughout large parts of Europe and Asia. In China, Fall Webworm is known as the North American White Moth and it has become one of the most devastating of all forest pests by damaging thousands of acres of trees each year. Alas, in a world with a global economy we seem destined to share a global biota.  

And that’s not all; deadly assassin bugs like this female wheel bug find fall webworms delectable even while giving a ride to a complacent mate. Yellow jackets also plunder fall webworm tents to bring juicy caterpillars home to feed their young.



 Bug of the Week thanks Dr. Shrewsbury for spotting the paper wasp extracting webworms from their nests. ‘Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs’ by Warren Johnson and Howard Lyon was used as a reference for this episode.

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Trails of despair for wild silk moth caterpillars: Orangestriped Oakworm, Anisota senatoria, and Greenstriped mapleworm, Dryocampa rubicunda

  Orange racing stripes and a pair of fleshy horns behind the head make the oakworm one cool looking caterpillar.

Orange racing stripes and a pair of fleshy horns behind the head make the oakworm one cool looking caterpillar.

  Orangestriped oakworms grow up to be handsome moths.

Orangestriped oakworms grow up to be handsome moths.

The spring and summer of 2019 have witnessed a renaissance of charismatic moths and butterflies. This season we visited beautiful brush-footed butterflies, spectacular swallowtails, and a bevy of stupendous silk moths including cecropia, promethea, and luna. Most of these wonderful moths and butterflies never become common enough to be considered pests and tend to consume plants that are not economically important. Of course, exceptions do exist. One gourmand shared her sad story of the disappearing dill, consumed by a hungry horde of black swallowtail caterpillars. This week we meet a duo of wild native silk moths that have a predilection for two of our most common and important landscape trees – oaks and maples. Periodically, oakworms and mapleworms cause a bit of trouble when Mother Nature presents conditions that favor survival of these caterpillars. Outbreaks can occur and caterpillar depredations are not uncommon throughout the range of these insects. Fortunately outbreaks are usually short lived and brought to closure by naturally occurring parasites and predators – Mother Nature’s hit squad.

In some years oakworms will strip oaks of leaves.

In some years oakworms will strip oaks of leaves.

In Maryland, adult orangestriped oakworms first appear in May from pupae that survived winter and spring in the soil. These moths mate and females lay eggs on the underside of leaves of favored hosts including oak, hickory, and birch. Eggs hatch and the tiny larvae feed gregariously, first as skeletonizers removing small bites of leaf epidermis, but later by devouring leaves right down to the mid-vein. After completing development, caterpillars move to the soil to pupate and a second generation of adults issues forth to repeat the cycle. 

Telltale pellets of frass (insect poop, a technical term) beneath a tree can mark the presence of caterpillars feeding above.

Telltale pellets of frass (insect poop, a technical term) beneath a tree can mark the presence of caterpillars feeding above.

The life cycle of the greenstriped mapleworm is similar to its cousin the orangestriped oakworm with respect to overwintering in the soil and emerging as adults in spring to colonize trees, where its eggs are deposited on leaves. Throughout much of its range there are two generations, but in the deep south there may be three or more. A critical part of the life cycles of both of these beauties is to drop from the tree when larval development is complete, burrow into soil to pupate, chill-out through autumn and winter, and emerge as an adult in spring ready to find a mate and lay eggs on leaves. Normally, the exodus-from-trees part of the game is relatively straightforward and merely involves dodging ground-dwelling predators like spiders and predatory beetles, and excavating a cozy chamber in which to pupate. However, humans have created a new challenge for earth-bound caterpillars in the form of paved walking and cycling trails. Last week while enjoying one such trail circling a small lake in Columbia, Maryland, I was astonished by vast numbers of oakworms and mapleworms running for their lives to escape the athletic shoes and bicycle tires of fitness-bound humans. Now, don’t get me wrong, these trails are treasures bringing adults and children into contact with the natural world, but oy vey, trails, sidewalks, and roadways are virtual no-bug lands for many six-legged creatures whose lives depend on soil!

Stripped leaves tell us oakworms are nearby and sure enough the cluster has moved several meters away to hide from enemies. After leaving the relative safety of the tree, the pathway beneath becomes a graveyard for unlucky oakworms. Further along the trail, a mapleworm searches for its next leafy meal. But on the ground, death is only a footstep away. Run for your lives caterpillars!

While enjoying my walk and dodging as many caterpillars as possible, I wondered how some of the carnage could be reduced. Perhaps parts of the trail could be closed during these caterpillar migrations or maybe small signs warning of caterpillar crossings could be installed beneath oaks and maples along the pathways. We do this for deer and other wildlife, right? Unlikely. However, toward the end of my walk a trio of mothers with children in tow stopped to admire an oakworm scurrying across the path. One remarked about the plight of the caterpillar, bent down, plucked the larva from the trail, and moved it to the safety of leaf litter along the trail’s edge. The children smiled. Maternal instinct and caterpillars creating a teachable moment for the next generation of naturalists. You go moms!            


Three great articles, “An integrated pest management success story: orangestriped oakworm control in Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.” by P. B. Schultz and D.B. Sivyer, “Orangestriped Oakworm” by Steve Frank and Stephen Bambara, and “Greenstriped mapleworm, Dryocampa rubicunda (F.), Lepidoptera: Saturniidae” by Steve Frank and Adam Dale, were consulted in preparation of this episode.  BOTW thanks Dr. Shrewsbury for spotting and wrangling caterpillars for this story.

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